With the advent of the last Directorial decree of 23 December 2016, many innovations have emerged regarding loans to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the year 2017. Among the many innovations, now also freelancers they are equivalent to SMEs and can also access non-repayable funding calls.
All the calls are focused more on technological innovation, research and development, environmental protection and tourism. There are many and different versions, suitable for all types of SMEs and with different types of credit:
- total non-repayable loans
- non-repayable loans of 75%
- non-repayable loans of 75% with bank advance of the remaining 25% at a subsidized rate
- financing with tax credit up to 75%
- subsidized loans
Most of all the calls accept projects regarding innovation in the IT field, including IoT (internet of things), the establishment of startups, international promotion and development on new technologies (web and app in first position). As regards our contribution, we can provide various estimates and projects in the IT field regarding the innovation of SMEs that want to adhere to the calls for their regions.
(There are various bureaucratic complexities for which it is not possible in some cases to simply submit the announcement, but it is necessary to join a consortium in advance or rely for example on the CNA - national craft committee or other similar bodies.)
here follows for example a call with a grant of 75% authorized by the ministry: http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/index.php/it/incentivi/commercio-internazionale/consorzi-attivita-promozionali-anno-2017
For any questions or clarifications you can contact us on our official channels.